Ayuda NGO
5 min readJul 9, 2023

— Alorika Modak

Eve teasing is an action of perversion like making of unwanted sexual advances to women in public place. Eve-teasing is a term used exclusively in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

Many women have spoken against the use of the terms “eve-teasing” and, interchangeably used, “catcalling” as they are mere euphemisms for a more serious problem. “Street Sexual Harassment” is the term that most activists prefer to use. Street sexual harassment is also a more definitive and exhaustive term leaving very less room for misunderstandings.

Eve Teasing is caused due to a variety of reasons involving society, culture of the population, educational status, and the person herself as well. India has an ample amount of laws in place to keep eve-teasing in check. From a systemic standpoint, there is hardly anything that needs to be corrected. But the problem is enforcement. The concept of police enforcement of the law is completely missing from Indian society. Only when a crime has been perpetrated, will the police come into the picture? Society has a greater role to play in case of Eve-teasing. Eve-teasing is treated as a commonplace phenomenon in India. “Men will be men” is the common explanation for such beliefs. Also, victim blaming is also a very common phenomenon prevalent in India. Women are usually blamed for “enticing” men with their provocative dresses. Phrases like “She was asking for it” have even been coined, not just by common people, but even by politicians on national media.

Also, women are not aware of their own rights. Most of them do not even know that Eve-teasing is a Punishable offense. Very few such cases are reported. Also, there are hardly any studies or statistics available with the government agencies to study the trend and tackle the problem of Eve-teasing.

Now, in a country like India, it is impossible to eliminate this problem completely from society since, people at each place belong from different cultural backgrounds and ethnicities. The well said term- ‘Prevention is better than cure’. Yes, it should be applied here. In order to reduce the crime cases and to tackle the growing problem of Eve teasing, women in the society need to take sufficient steps to keep the situation in control. The following points can help people in better ways:

1. It is imperative to always be aware of your surroundings when you are travelling alone, be it day or night. Being oblivious to your surroundings can mean walking into danger without even being aware, it is necessary to keep the speed dial or emergency contacts of police and your family to be always ready in your hand.

2. Most times ignoring ruffian men who whistle at you and pass comments may be the best course of action. But if the harassment continues, lash out and create a scene, let the people coming by move forward and help you.

3. Confidence is the key to throwing potential eve-teasers off your track. Walk purposefully and never let your observations slip down to reduce your confidence.

4. Aside from avoiding poorly lit streets and isolated alleys, an easier way to stay safe from hooliganism is to use public transport. Shelter yourself in the throngs of people on trains and buses. With the share-a-cab option, you can, not only save money, but keep safe travelling where women are in the majority.

5. you are going to spend a day out then dress appropriately. But this is negotiable since people in salwar kameez also getting harassed at the public. All it helps is to get rid of this issue by raising voice and confidence.

In conclusion, the menace of eve teasing on women is a serious problem that requires urgent attention and action. Here are a few key points to consider:

1.Gender inequality: Eve teasing is rooted in gender inequality, where women are seen as inferior and objectified. It reflects societal norms that perpetuate harmful attitudes and beliefs about women, reinforcing patriarchal power dynamics.

2. Violation of rights: Eve teasing infringes upon the basic human rights of women, such as the right to dignity, safety, and freedom from harassment. It creates an environment where women feel vulnerable and unsafe in public spaces.3. Psychological impact: The constant exposure to eve teasing can have severe psychological consequences for women. It leads to feelings of shame, humiliation, and self-blame. Over time, it can erode a woman’s self-esteem and confidence, limiting her personal and professional growth.

4. Hindrance to gender equality: Eve teasing acts as a barrier to gender equality by restricting women’s freedom of movement and their ability to participate fully in public life. It reinforces gender stereotypes, discourages women from pursuing their ambitions, and perpetuates a culture of victim-blaming.

5. Need for awareness and education: To combat eve teasing effectively, there is a need for widespread awareness campaigns and educational initiatives. This includes promoting gender equality, challenging harmful attitudes and behaviors, and fostering respectful and inclusive attitudes towards women.

6. Legal measures and enforcement: Strengthening laws and ensuring their enforcement is crucial in addressing eve teasing. Governments should enact comprehensive legislation that specifically addresses street harassment, ensuring stricter punishments for perpetrators and establishing safe reporting mechanisms for victims.

7. Community involvement: Addressing eve teasing requires the involvement of the entire community. Engaging men and boys in conversations about consent, respect, and gender equality is essential to challenge harmful social norms and prevent such behavior.

In conclusion, eliminating the menace of eve teasing requires a multifaceted approach that involves societal change, education, legal measures, and community participation. By creating safe and inclusive environments, we can empower women to reclaim public spaces and work towards a society free from the fear of harassment.



Ayuda NGO

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